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Books are essence of knowledge. I’ve hardly read anything for almost 30 years of my life. But in 2017 I understood my mistake and decided to change that habit. Every year I’m increasing books to read in a year. In 2017 it was 12, in 2018 it was 24 (36 in total), in 2019 – 36 (72 in total). I’m also focus on increasing read paper books number (instead of audio books) since not all great literature has been digitized. I’m reading both polish and english literature – mainly popular science, self-development and some of other kind.

From EVERY book I write notes. Maybe I’ll publish them one day.


Wealth and Wisdom: The Way to Wealth and The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin: Two Timeless American Classics That Still Speak to Us Today
Skarbnica przysłów i mądrych powiedzeń. W tej książce wyłania się obraz Franklina jako bardzo pracowitego, uczciwego i lojalnego przedsiębiorcy. Jego filozofia jest dla mnie niezwykle inspirująca.
The Autobiography of Charles Darwin, 1809–82
Carol enters my personal pantheon of timeless inspiring people. He inspired me through his: – lack of hurry, because he believed that no one would be able to work as hard and as hard as he, and also that he verified on an ongoing basis…
The Personal MBA: Master the Art of Business
Extraordinary book recommended for every beginning entrepreneur. Covers wide range of topics and with a balance between brief introduction and deep detailed dive. And remember below quotes from the book: > > > > > >
One the most important books I’ve read in my life. 1st of all: it’s 100% personal. It wasn’t for the mass. It was for himself. So it’s honest. 2nd of all: it teached me how to perceive reality. How to be a human with emotions and contro…
Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win
A very strong position in the area of leadership. It broadcasts on waves that impress many – honesty, integrity, responsibility. Does not accept excuses. Focused on purpose and effect. Author says a good leader is a master of intuition a…


Wealth and Wisdom: The Way to Wealth and The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin: Two Timeless American Classics That Still Speak to Us Today
Skarbnica przysłów i mądrych powiedzeń. W tej książce wyłania się obraz Franklina jako bardzo pracowitego, uczciwego i lojalnego przedsiębiorcy. Jego filozofia jest dla mnie niezwykle inspirująca.
The Ultimate Sales Machine: Turbocharge Your Business with Relentless Focus on 12 Key Strategies
I read 10+ books about selling. Some were better, some were worse. But this book is #1. It structures the sales process on both a high and low level. At first, I thought the book was more likely to suit B2C business or small B2B (reas…
4 DX czyli 4 dyscypliny realizacji
I read lot of book from management and business topics. This book has a slight part in common but in majority is unique (and true). It also shows a shaped process of changes adoption.
The Autobiography of Charles Darwin, 1809–82
Carol enters my personal pantheon of timeless inspiring people. He inspired me through his: – lack of hurry, because he believed that no one would be able to work as hard and as hard as he, and also that he verified on an ongoing basis…
Jak żyć z lękiem
Jeśli masz zaburzenia lękowe, to ta książka z pewnością będzie dla Ciebie kolejnym krokiem w kierunku zdrowia.
Co kazdy nastolatek o rzadzacych wiedziec powinien
Wiele ciekawych spostrzeżeń do ktorych doszedlem sam przez nascie lat. A mogłem przeczytać tą książkę. Np to, że patriotyzm to narzędzie manipulacji w rękach rządzących. Bo gdyby było czyms co warto bronić to powinno być wzajemne – ojczy…
Start-up i venture capital
Bardzo dobra książka dla osób początkujących w świecie startupów. Ponadto przybliża nieco kwestie finansowe i organizacyjne (np czym różnią się CxO od siebie). Zdecydowania obowiązkowa lektura dla głodnych wilków.
I'm Afraid Debbie From Marketing Has Left for the Day: How to Use Behavioural Design to Create Change in the Real World
For whom is this book? I think of all kinds of managers, CxO and leaders. Because it is about people and human biases. Terrific book that shed light on things I heard or thought, but the book gave splendid examples on these things. At …
Like a Virgin: Secrets They Won't Teach You at Business School
If you want to be serial entrepreneur, follow your business instincts, consider people wellbeing and company culture when building a company…or basically if you think you have ADHD – you should read it. Otherwise – you won’t like this …
The Personal MBA: Master the Art of Business
Extraordinary book recommended for every beginning entrepreneur. Covers wide range of topics and with a balance between brief introduction and deep detailed dive. And remember below quotes from the book: > > > > > >
Stakeholder Capitalism: A Global Economy that Works for Progress, People and Planet
Amazing book about B2S (Business to Society). It awares that through activities of the enterprise, it contributes to the welfare of the entire society; supports the community in which it operates (ensures safe electrical and efficient u…
Pełna MOC możliwości
Petarda Bardzo żałuję, że tej książki nie przeczytałem wcześniej. Kilka notatek: – prawdziwe szczęście to pragnac tego co sie ma – mapa to jeszcze nie droga dlatego warto sluchac innych ale modyfikowac lub odrzucac ich rady w miarę potr…
No Rules Rules: Netflix and the Culture of Reinvention
Znakomita książka, która stawia na wolność i niezależność pracowników. Turkus, ale we właściwym wydaniu. – netflix to kolejny przykład firmy ktora pokazuje ze turkus ma sens…o ile jest zaimplementowany prawidlowo tzn. Najpierw budujes…
Od Z do A. Jak to zrobiliśmy?
Bardzo dobra książka. A raczej pewne aspekty wypracowane przez Jeffa zdecydowanie do mnie trafiają. – motto Jeffa: pracuj ciężko, baw sie dobrze i twórz historię – należy zasiać wiele nasion bo nigdy nie wiadomo z którego wyrośnie dąb …
The Management Myth: Why the Experts Keep Getting it Wrong
Kiedy sięgałem po tą książkę zupełnie nie spodziewałem się tego co otrzymam. Spodziewałem się czegoś na wzór poradnika, który krok po kroku pozwoli mi naprawić moje błędy, lub który w "coacherskim stylu" odmieni mój punkt widzenia. Natom…
Potęga irracjonalności
Fantastyczna książka pokazująca dobitnie, że biznes w którym biorą udział ludzie nie może rządzić się wyłącznie prawami logiki i liczb. Autor pokazuje jak bardzo w sprzedaży i marketingu biorą udział pewne nasze podświadome mechanizmy.
Negocjuj, jakby od tego zależało twoje życie. Nigdy nie idź na kompromis
Świetna książka. Pokazuje konkretne praktyki przydatne w negocjowaniu jak i zestaw terminów, które są konieczne do włąściwego przygotowania się: ZOPA, BATNA. Książka pomogla poukladac mi proces negocjacji, podpowiedziala wiele ciekawych …
Reinventing Organizations: A Guide to Creating Organizations Inspired by the Next Stage of Human Consciousness
This book really change my way of perceiving organizations and their structure. It opens my mind to different approaches to leading organization. In opposite to what many say about this book – it’s not saying the turquoise is the best ap…
Ego to Twój wróg
Trzeba dobrać filozofię życia do swojej tożsamości i charakterologii. Książka była kolejną cegiełką do mojego przekonania, że moją filozofią życia musi stać się stoicyzm. Pełen pokory, dystansu, dojrzałości i cierpliwości. Co ciekawe …
One the most important books I’ve read in my life. 1st of all: it’s 100% personal. It wasn’t for the mass. It was for himself. So it’s honest. 2nd of all: it teached me how to perceive reality. How to be a human with emotions and contro…
The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers
As a good-CEO-wannabe I learned a lot from this book. It’s also a huge relief to read story of someone who’s been there, done that. Especially that he also wasn’t sure, tried and tested and basically – it’s all about stubbornness. My fa…
Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance
A great book that pour faith, hope and courage into a person. Even to people with lack of self-esteem: like me. Some of my notes: – Grit = passion and perseverance> talent – grit strongly influences the number of hours devoted to work /…
Szef który mysli bo warto i sie oplaca
Książka która pokazała mi, że filozoficzna natura nie stoi w opozycji z byciem CEO czy osobą aktywnie działającą. To wręcz cecha typowa – CEO to nie tylko sprzedawca, ale nierzadko osoba kierujący ideami a więc i rozmyślający i kreujący …
Mózg: Fascynacje, problemy, tajemnice
Książka tłumaczy wiele zawiłości i zależności biochemicznych oraz neurologicznych dziejących się w naszej głowie. To istotne by rozumieć dlaczego myślimy jak myślimy oraz na co wpływają poszczególne reakcje chemiczne odbywające się pod c…
I read this book once. It was very, very good. Short, concise, shows that there are no rigid rules and opens your eyes that you can do otherwise. One of those books that prove that you should listen to everyone, but think and do it yours…
Solve for Happy: Engineer Your Path to Joy
One of the best and most insightful books, based on empiricism, about the human psyche and overcoming a mental crisis. The author tried to decompose thinking traps and subconscious habits (and maybe obstacles) in which we have been evolu…
StrengthsFinder 2.0
A great book. Shows a rational picture of the relationship between talent and hard work. Knowing and understanding your strengths is as crucial as learning about these weaknesses. Favorite thoughts: 1. Talent x HardWork = Strenght 2. Yo…
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind
We say on such books – "they open their eyes". The vastness of insights, questions posed and given answers is a huge advantage of this position. The book allows you to understand WHY it is as it is. Why only Homo Sapiens survived, how di…
S.U.M.O. (Shut Up, Move On): The Straight-Talking Guide to Creating and Enjoying a Brilliant Life
The book draws attention to why and how to get a grip, motivate and start achieving their goals. If anyone would like to read only one motivational reading, this should be the book.
No More Mr. Nice Guy
Książka o dojrzałości. Daje ćwiczenia pozwalające uzyskać własną pewność siebie, odwagę, ale i troskę wobec kobiet. Niewprost pokrywa się np z "7 habits of highly effective" (np, że zanim wejdzie się w związek będący współzależnością nal…
Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen
People are made to run. This book discusses this from the perspective of not only world cultures (Tarahumara), but also biology, biomechanics and human anthropology. Sport is health, however, and it’s not worth listening to doctors who s…
How to Win Friends and Influence People
The book is divided into 3 parts: – how to make friends – how to convince people – how to be a leader In each part it gives several / several solid points supported by logic. They are obvious, but many forget about them, so it is worth r…
Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win
A very strong position in the area of leadership. It broadcasts on waves that impress many – honesty, integrity, responsibility. Does not accept excuses. Focused on purpose and effect. Author says a good leader is a master of intuition a…
A Guide to the Good Life: The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy
Philosophical books. It opens your eyes to the possibilities of perceiving reality. It describes the history of the Stoics well, their principles, approach and sacrifices. He also gives techniques like: negative visualization, internaliz…
Tworzenie modeli biznesowych: Podręcznik wizjonera
The book to which I come back from time to time. It should not be read and then noted / memorized – it should be read and then do with it. Absolutely great presents various aspects that should be understood when running your own business…
Żelazny Jan
Difficult and demanding reading about puberty and masculinity. Not everyone needs it, but it is obligatory for those who have somehow disturbed relations with their parents – and in particular with their father. Full of metaphorisms and …
Człowiek w poszukiwaniu sensu. Głos nadziei z otchłani Holokaustu
Mandatory position. Just mandatory. The book developed my consciousness and control over my subconscious mind. And this is not some intuitive coaching, because the book talks about the foundations of Frankl’s psychotherapy. Frankl’s psyc…
Cokolwiek myślisz, pomyśl odwrotnie
Short, concise and extremely inspiring. It was the cornerstone of my internal transformation.
Mindfullness: a practical guide to finding peace in a frantic world
This book helped me manage my anxiousness and depression. Once I did it I got power to fight to realize my own vision of how the business should be build. Meditation is very powerful tool. Especially nowadays when via internet a lot evi…
Szef, który ma czas - Ewolucja zarządzania - dziennik budowy turkusowej firmy
Książka, która bardzo wpłynęła na moją myśl budowania własnej firmy a dokładniej kulturę organizacji. Sprawia także, że inaczej spojrzałem na swoje podejście – wcześniej wydawało mi się błędne, bo nie podobało mi się jak robili to inni. …

What I’ve read so far

Designing Interfaces: Patterns for Effective Interaction Design
Slicing Pie - Funding Your Business Without Funds
Solve for Happy: Engineer Your Path to Joy
Company of One: Why Staying Small Is the Next Big Thing for Business
Mit przedsiębiorczości: Dlaczego większość małych firm upada i jak temu zaradzić
Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less
StrengthsFinder 2.0
Elon Musk. Wizjoner z Doliny Krzemowej
Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder
Richard Branson. Sukces mimo przeciwności.
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind
Will It Fly?: How to Test Your Next Business Idea So You Don't Waste Your Time and Money
Born for This: How to Find the Work You Were Meant to Do
Spod zamarzniętych powiek
Side Hustle: From Idea to Income in 27 Days
Hit Refresh
Rich Dad, Poor Dad
Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking

Michal Guzowski’s favorite books »

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