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I’m Mike, Tech Entrepreneur, Do’er, Microsoft No-Code & Low-Code expert, Academic Lecturer. I’m activity-o-holic who obsessively connects the dots collaborating with other people to provide a value.
- 3x Microsoft MVP in Microsoft Power Platform
- I’m CEO of Developico – a consulting company that works with medium-large companies helping them in Digital Transformation including citizen development, Automation, Processes Alignment, Change Management and Sustainable Management.
- In 2021 I’ve created a Polish No Code Community surrounded around Microsoft Power Platform – now there are 600 ppl.
- I’m a regular speaker and member of conferences Program Committee responsible for NoCode/LowCode tracks (e.g. on MS Tech Summit https://mstechsummit.pl/en/ i was a committee leader and a speaker on Ninja track). I was a speaker and a panelist during https://www.collabdays.org/2023-poland.
- I’m a Program Committee and lecturer on No Code Developer post-graduate studies on 👉Warsaw University of Technology👈.
- Last year I launched the 1st No Code conference in Poland and this year there will be second edition (www.nocodedays.pl). 650+ people from Poland.
I’d like to attend your conference as a speaker and provide a value for your attendees. I have good social reach (my Linked has 6780 followers LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/abcguzowski) and I can promote your event in my community (mainly PL). Some of my sessions can be found here (unfortunately only those where organizers used sessionize as a conference platform): https://sessionize.com/michal-guzowski/
Privately, father of two sons, husband, computer gamer and avid listener of audiobooks. Around IT Interested in business models, sales, startups, psychology and management.