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  • Digital Transformation: Everything You Need To Know About It
    (ESTIMATION TIME: 25 MINUTES)Digital Transformation is an extremely exploited term, but still extremely on time. In fact, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, many companies have learned very painfully that their level of digitization is not enough. According to a 2021 survey by the European Investment Bank, 55% of European companies…
  • Business benefits from using Power Platform
    (ESTIMATION TIME: 12 MINUTES)In this article, you will learn what business benefits your organization will take thanks to the Power Platform. Power Platform is a Microsoft Low-Code platform that improves company business processes (if you do not know what Low-Code is, I encourage you to read my post on this…
  • Korzyści biznesowe dzięki Power Platform
    (ESTIMATION TIME: 11 MINUTES)W tym artykule dowiesz się jakie korzyści biznesowe dzięki Power Platform czy innym platformom klasy Low-Code (jeśli nie wiesz czym jest Low-Code zachęcam Cię do przeczytania mojego wpisu na ten temat). Korzyści te pogrupowałem względem szybkości z jaką Twoja organizacja odczuje te korzyści. W tym celu wykorzystałem…
  • Power Platform Hack4Good Poland – WE DID IT!
    (ESTIMATION TIME: 6 MINUTES)I’m happy. I’m proud. On 08.08.2020 we ended first edition of Power Platform Hack4Good in Poland. In result we increased the efficiency of providing support and reporting work effect in Caritas [Update] Some of you have already asked me how we organized the event, contacted Caritas and…
  • Swipe Gesture in PowerApps
    (ESTIMATION TIME: 4 MINUTES)There are scenarios where drag’n’drop capabilities or gestures recognition missed so much in Power Apps. Fortunately there are some tricks that allows you to achieve some of these effects ie. Drag’n’Drop or Swipe. In this blog post I’ll show you how you can create a swipe gesture…
  • PowerApps Document Translator app
    (ESTIMATION TIME: 1 MINUTES)Today I would like to present you one of my favorites apps of my own. I think it’s insanely useful. Especially when you receive an email like below from your client: The Story //todo Usage Architecture App consists of following steps: PowerApps present user interface to let…
  • Share PowerApps to external users
  • How to use Flow on elevated privileges in SharePoint Online
    (ESTIMATION TIME: 3 MINUTES)In this article I’ll show you what is elevated privileges, when you may need it and how to run a Microsoft Flow in elevated privilages in SharePoint Online. Elevated Privileges Back days, when I was a SharePoint on-premise developer, there was a code method named RunWithElevatedPrivileges() which…
  • How to work with option set in PowerApps
    (ESTIMATION TIME: 5 MINUTES)In this article I’ll share my experience and everything I learned about Option Set in PowerApps. Check out my cheat sheet. Prepare for a battle Before I start a project I prepare myself and gather all information that helps me to avoid getting into technical dead ends,…
  • Add fields to SharePoint List using Flow
    (ESTIMATION TIME: 5 MINUTES)Last week I’ve explained how to create SharePoint list or library using Microsoft Flow. This time I’ll show you how you can add fields to your SharePoint List using Microsoft Flow, and add items to your list. This will complete the scenario so you’ll get a full…
  • Create SharePoint list using Flow
    (ESTIMATION TIME: 5 MINUTES)Microsoft Flow is a great automation tool. It integrates with over 230 services using connectors where each of them contains multiple triggers and actions. One of those connectors is a SharePoint Online connector with a set of 10 triggers and 47 actions(!). Such big set allows to…
  • Delegation Learning App
    (ESTIMATION TIME: 2 MINUTES)For last few weeks I was preparing a special app for all my readers. And today it has been finally finished. The Delegation Playground App is ready for you to be downloaded! What this app is all about? Short brief In january and february I was struggling…
  • Multiple RSS feeds to LinkedIn using Flow
    (ESTIMATION TIME: 4 MINUTES)In this blog post I’ll show you how you can build your own Microsoft Flow that is triggered by RSS feed and then re-post it to your social media channels eg. LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook. I’ll give you example scenarios as well as show how you can…
  • 5 steps that increased Office365 adoption
    (ESTIMATION TIME: 8 MINUTES)Implementation of the Office365 environment in an organization is a complex process. It is not enough to create a company account in Office365, buy subscriptions, add users and connect the organization’s domain. You also have to take care of the transfer of company resources, as well as…
  • 10 tips I wish to know before I’ve started with PowerApps
    (ESTIMATION TIME: 10 MINUTES)When you’re doing something for the first time there is always the same feeling of chaos. So many new things, an uncountable number of topics to learn, mechanisms, and concepts that are like nothing. How to know it all? Where to start?Of course, on the one hand,…
  • When to use PowerApps and Microsoft Flow
    (ESTIMATION TIME: 4 MINUTES)In my last post I’ve described how security & compliance are solved in PowerPlatform. This post is a summary for all posts series. Moreover I want to give you simple rules when you should and when you should not use PowerApps and Flow. The main reason is…
  • Security and Compliance in PowerApps and Flow
    (ESTIMATION TIME: 13 MINUTES)In my previous article, I’ve brought you closer to the main recipients of PowerApps and Microsoft Flow. In the third part I will take a closer look at the security management in PowerPlatform. And as I promised from the beginning: it will be honest. You will learn…
  • Bezpieczeństwo w PowerApps i Flow
    (ESTIMATION TIME: 11 MINUTES)W moim poprzednim artykule przybliżyłem Ci głównych odbiorców PowerApps i Microsoft Flow. W części trzeciej przyjrzę się bliżej kwestiom zarządzania bezpieczeństwem w PowerPlatform. I tak jak obiecywałem od początku: będzie szczerze. Dowiesz się o ode mnie o rzeczach o których nie wyczytasz w dokumentacji i które podkreślą…
  • PowerApps and Microsoft Flow target – part 2
    (ESTIMATION TIME: 7 MINUTES)In my previous article, I’ve introduced the most important features of PowerApps and Microsoft Flow platforms, basing on examples of three different organizations. In this part, I will present who these platforms are addressed to. Moreover, I will also explain what are the reasons for the growing…
  • Target dla PowerApps i Microsoft Flow cz.2
    (ESTIMATION TIME: 6 MINUTES)W moim poprzednim artykule pokazałem na przykładzie 3ech różnych organizacji najwazniejsze cechy platform PowerApps i Microsoft Flow. W tej części wytłumaczę Ci do kogo kierowane są te platformy. Objaśnię także jakie są moim zdaniem przyczyny rosnącej popularności platform Low-Code Microsoft. Zacznijmy więc od podstawowego pytania. Kto może…
  • PowerApps and Microsoft Flow target – part 1
    (ESTIMATION TIME: 8 MINUTES)In this article, you will understand the context for PowerApps and Microsoft Flow. You will learn examples of implementations and whether those platforms are safe. You will also find out what are the advantages and disadvantages of the solutions built based on them. Finally, I will present…
  • Target dla PowerApps i Microsoft Flow cz.1
    (ESTIMATION TIME: 7 MINUTES)W tym artykule zrozumiesz kontekst dla PowerApps i Microsoft Flow. Poznasz przykłady wdrożeń oraz czy są one bezpieczne. Dowiesz się także jakie są wady i zalety budowanych w oparciu o nie rozwiązań. A na koniec przedstawię Ci prosty zbiór zasad: Kiedy należy używać aplikacji PowerApps i Microsoft…
  • Overview of SharePoint Virtual Summit 2019
    (ESTIMATION TIME: 4 MINUTES)In this article I’ll put short glimpse of what has been announced on SharePoint Virtual Summit 2019. Be aware that some of following features may be still in preview but are going to appear later this year. I skipped features that has been announced on Microsoft Build…
  • What are Low-Code development platforms?
    (ESTIMATION TIME: 10 MINUTES)Rapid Application Development, Robotic Process Automation, Business Process Management Systems – these are all examples of Low-Code platforms. The market has already appeared in the 90s, but their popularity has grown strongly in the last few years. In this article, you’ll learn what the Low-Code platforms are,…
  • Czym są platformy Low-Code?
    (ESTIMATION TIME: 8 MINUTES)Rapid Application Development, Robotic Process Automation, Business Process Management Systems – to wszystko przykłady platform Low-Code. Na rynku pojawiły się już w latach 90tych, ale ich popularność wzrosła silnie w ciągu ostatnich paru lat. W tym artykule dowiesz się czym są platformy Low-Code, kiedy możesz ich potrzebować…
  • Overview of Microsoft Build 2019
    (ESTIMATION TIME: 3 MINUTES)In this article I’ll put short glimpse of what has been announced on Microsoft Build 2019 conference.  Microsoft Flow Import Azure Function / Logic Apps as Custom Connector  Until now this was possible but requires some work on Azure platform and then on Flow studio. Because of…
  • Build PowerApps component from scratch in 15 minutes
    (ESTIMATION TIME: 7 MINUTES)PowerApps components appeared in the beginning of this year and so far are one of my favorite features. In a way they do not change anything – before PAC (PowerApps Components) developers were able to implement the same business logic in their apps. However from the other…
  • Business Card Reader
    (ESTIMATION TIME: 5 MINUTES)On my session during last SPS Warsaw I showed 5 examples how I save my time by automating things that steal my time almost everyday. In this blog post I’ll show you one of those solution. And that’s not all. I’ll show you how it’s been built…
  • Don’t hesitate, just automate – SPSWAW2019
    (ESTIMATION TIME: 2 MINUTES)Last saturday there was SPS Warsaw 2019 where I had a session “Don’t waste time for silly things – automate!”. I was talking about automation (of course) and how I applied it in my life using PowerPlatform to save me some time. First of all big ups…
  • Excel row does not exist in Flow
    (ESTIMATION TIME: 1 MINUTES)So here I am working on another PowerApps app. My app should work across different tenants so I’m using Flow HTTP request/response for data sync purposes. For a storage I’m using an excel file on my OneDrive for Business. One of my Flow use cases to cover…
  • How to avoid code duplication in PowerApps
    (ESTIMATION TIME: 3 MINUTES)If you’re developing PowerApps you must at least once find yourself in a situation of having multiple different controls executing same or similar code. In this post I want to answer to following questions: Is code duplication that bad? When PowerApps Components are not enough to avoid…
  • PowerApps components patterns
    (ESTIMATION TIME: 12 MINUTES)Long-awaited PowerApps Components [PAC] appeared on the end of January 2019 to everyone’s delight. From then on PowerApps developers can create their own controls that can be reused on a screen or across multiple screens and at the same time being central-manageable and migrate-able due to import/export…
  • Animation in PowerApps
    (ESTIMATION TIME: 22 MINUTES)In this post, I’m going to shed some light on the topic of animation in PowerApps. Animation is what probably most of PowerApps devs have never tried to use in their application and you may also think now: “That’s true, because hey, why should they? PowerApps platform…
  • How to overcome 500 items limit in PowerApps
    (ESTIMATION TIME: 8 MINUTES)I planned to publish another topic for today but I decided that this one will fits better to the post I’ve published a week ago. So if you work with PowerApps connected to ANY data source you had to experienced or at least read about 500 items…
  • Performance – is Flow faster than PowerApps?
    (ESTIMATION TIME: 4 MINUTES)In this post I’ve showed you how you can create PowerApps app that utilize SharePoint Search for your business. I used there PowerApps for parsing big string containing our results from SharePoint Search. But one o my readers asked me an interesting question “Mike, wouldn’t it be…
  • Search in SharePoint from PowerApps
    (ESTIMATION TIME: 6 MINUTES)Inspired by this post I realized that built-in connectors does not allow to utilize SharePoint Search. So theoretically it is not possible to use SharePoint search from PowerApps. However using Flow as a middle layer you can call SharePoint Search and parse results for your needs. Let’s…
  • 26.02.2019 – O365 User Group PL Warszawa #1
  • Enable Whistleblowing in your Office365
    (ESTIMATION TIME: 4 MINUTES)PowerApps can participate in organization modernization in many ways. And I’d like to show you some example. Imagine following scenarios: You’ve seen how a colleague sends confidential documents to his private email. Or… By accident, you heard two colleagues talking about “dorabianiu” at the expense of the…
  • How to trigger Microsoft Flow in SharePoint List
    (ESTIMATION TIME: 4 MINUTES)In this article I’ll show you how you can quickly and easily trigger Microsoft Flow in your SharePoint list. I’ll cover following topics: Manually triggered Flow for selected item on list Automatically triggered Flow for created or updated item on list Manually triggered Flow for selected item…
  • To CDS or not to CDS: that is the question
    (ESTIMATION TIME: 4 MINUTES)Common Data Services is an interesting service that is in the hands of Flow, PowerApps and PowerBI. Today I read an interesting blog post by Pieter Veenstra that inspired me to write this post. What is Common Data Service? CDS is a service that allows you to store…
  • 06.04.2019 – SharePoint Saturday Warsaw
    (ESTIMATION TIME: 1 MINUTES)I will have honor to give a speech on 4th edition of SPS Warsaw among such stars as Gokan Ozcifci (Belgium), Vlad Catrinescu (Canada), Ahmad Najjar (Norway), Jussi Mori (Switzerland), Jon Levesque (United States) and more. I will talk about automation using Flow, PowerApps, SharePoint Online and…